Thursday, May 28, 2009

Raindow !!! wheeeeeee~~ =)

Slow is everything i see in now
This feeling, with out drinking the sin water
Its like freedom, no worry's
everything sweet, nothing bitter
We Must not worry about a thing
Everything is good, and good it will be
Lights i see off and on, they smile at me =)
They saw, u will do fine, just be happy, and jump
Freaked out i was by this lights, i was like
Waaaaazzzzz super cool talking lights
you look hot i said, hot like the sun
Are u the sun i asked the bright light
No, im just in ur happy free mind =)
Head all light and woozy from the effect of 3 !!!!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~~~~~~~~~~~~
saying, this is my massage to you , ohh ohh ohohoho
Monkey Man, woot woot
Run run run like the fat wind go gust you are
Sing like the fat lady on Oprah
Bed, looks so nice, i might just jump on you and like stone
Dance on u will if i have to, because i love to dance
Robot, robot from the skys, flying in to my head
i see them, jumping up and down like the happy like big bundle of joy the are for the rest of life
Woman no, we wont cry
cause we are gay gay gay gay
gay not homo gay, but happy gay
Lesbo happy !! (random moment)
i remember when we use to talk long long hours
i know it was pointless, never the less, i have smile on my face =))))
ok, now is time to get out of happy time, and sleep
nitey nite, good nite, i love u bitch !!!, i love you JPS ( its a guy thing )

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